It's painful to learn that this icon who shot into limelight, made popular by the warts growing on his legs and arms, who hails from Indonesia, has finally breathed his last. Dede, popularly called 'the tree man' suffered from ultra-rare disease Lewandowsky-Luts Dysplasia, a from of uncontrolled human papilloma virus infection, otherwise known as 'Warts'.
About 6kg in warts was removed from his body in 2008. The operation which look successful allowed Dede to play games, hold spoons and use a mobile phone for the first time. His joy knew no bounds. But it was short lived as the warts grew back after a few months.
Read his full story here
Dede Koswara faced so much discrimination. His wife of 10 years deserted him because he couldn't support her and their 2 kids, many of his own country men called him despicable names, they refer to him as cursed. He was bored, resting in bed in the hospital and often smoke to pass the time.
Eventually, Dede resigned to his illness. It must have been pretty tough for him to face all the insults he faced over the years. He couldn't speak or feed himself either because he was becoming so week. He died on 30th January 2016.
A doctor said he died due to a complicated string of health problems including hepatitis, liver and gastric disorders amongst many.
Many thanks to the team of doctors that worked round the clock to rid Dede of his warts, the nurses who took turns and shifts to be by his bedside, to the dermatologists, especially Dr Gaspari, and to the family members who stood by him, loving him till the end. Rest in peace Dede.
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