Saturday, 6 June 2020

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The most severe pandemic in history was the Spanish Flu of 1918. It lasted for 2 years, in 3 waves, 500 million people infected and 50 million deaths. Most of the fatalities happened in the second wave.

People felt so bad about the quarantine and social distancing that when they were first lifted, people rejoiced in the streets with reckless abandon. In the coming weeks the second wave occurred with tens of millions dead.

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Let us not repeat  the same history in Covid-19. Relaxation was only given by Government. #Covid-19
hasn't Relaxed. It's waxing stronger without a cure yet. Please maintain all preventive measures as advised by health workers world over and the W.H.O.

If you want to learn more about the Myths and Facts of the Covid-19, Watch the video here.

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covid-19; covid 19; covid19; corona virus; coronavirus; spanish flu; spanish flu of 1918; corana virus prevention; about covid 19; about pandemic; what is a pandemic;  videos about pandemic; videos about covid 19

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June 06, 2020   Posted by Freaking Weird Stories! in with No comments


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