You don’t have to worry again if you can make the most of your poop. Now it looks like your bowels can really mint you some cool cash, and that can reach up to $13,000 a year! All you need is a good restroom to do your shit!
People who are infected with a bacteria called C. difficile need healthy fecal matter in their gut in order to survive, or else they have to be on constant treatment of antibiotic. The C. difficile bacteria can cause extreme gastrointestinal distress, leaving some suffers housebound.
The fecal matter found in healthy poop is administered, frozen, either through endoscopy or swallowed capsule, and Open Biome has already shipped over 2,000 treatments to about 200 hospitals. Open Biome is the company facilitating fecal transplant to patients in need, and are paying only healthy ‘poopers’ for their erm… ‘shit’. By introducing fecal matter into the gut of a patient, doctors can forever abolish C. difficile for good. Now the problem is getting enough poop. This is where you come in.
Here’s the deal, they pay for only healthy poop which contain the matter needed to treat D.defficile. Donors are subjected to test to ascertain the quality of your poop before it can be certified okay. You earn $40 a sample, with a $50 bonus if you come in 5 days a week. That’s $250 for a week of donations or $13,000 a year. So this is what I mean when I say 'shit business is serious business'.
They have a motto: Save your stools, save the world (Open Biome)
This is Open Biome and their plan to rid patients of C. defficile. Share to to create more awareness.
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